'Elite: Dangerous' releasing to PS4 console after Xbox One launch


"Elite: Dangerous," the space adventure, trading, and combat simulator gaming title will release for the Xbox One console and will be ported to the PS4 shortly after. According to David Braben, who is the founder of Frontier Developments (the team that developed the title), posted on his official Twitter account that the release of the game for the Xbox One platform will only be a timed exclusive. The founder had this to say concerning Microsoft's gaming console:

"The Xbox audience has been very good to us. We've sold quite a few Xbox games with Microsoft. We also had a launch title for Xbox One, so our tools and technology has been battle-hardened on Xbox One already. We have a lot of experienced people at the studio who know Xbox One intimately, so it actually is a very logical choice for us. Also, Xbox One sales have been doing very well since the price went down, so it's an exciting time. But it was a difficult decision."

When Braben was congratulated for bringing the game to the Xbox One, he replied:

"Sure. Mac of course, then down the line we will support more, including PS4. The XB1 is a timed exclusive."

Unfortunately, the only variable that Braben was not able to point out was the amount of time that it would take for the title to appear on the PS4. Initially, the developing studio was unable to agree to a funding deal with a publisher for many years, so as a result, the developer began its Kickstarter campaign in November 2012. Before the game's official release, test versions of the title had been available to backers since December 2013, and the final version of the game was released for Windows on Dec. 16, 2014.