End of talkgospel.com marks change for Premier

Premier Christian Media have announced the closure of their online gospel radio station, talkgospel.com in a bid to consolidate their media brand.

The media group, known for their Christian radio, TV and magazine content announced today that the closure was in part due to the successful expansion of their core radio station, Premier Christian Radio.

"Premier is restructuring it's broadcast output to bring you better, more relevant content for today's Christian. This includes news, teaching and more music," content director, Charmaine Noble-McLean said today.

"Part of this means that our internet site talkGospel.com will close. However, we hope to bring you a new gospel music channel in the near future."

Premier Christian Media is currently comprised of Premier Christian Radio, Premier.tv, Christian magazines Christianity, Youthwork, Faithworks and Christian Marketplace, Premier Life, including a dedicated telephone help line, and the Christian mental health initative, Mind & Soul.

"While we are very sad to be turning down the mic for the final time at talkgospel.com, we are excited by what lies ahead for Premier Christian Media, " Noble-McLean commented.