Entrepreneurs: Have patience, pray often

Have you ever tried to sell something that you did not believe in 100 percent? People contend the best sellers are those who can sell themselves out of a paper bag. But, what if these clever individuals lack the belief in the product? Are you less or more likely to purchase it? Business owner, I tell you today that you must be able to convey to your customers that you have a passion for your product. Forget about turning a buck so quickly, and get to the root of why God has called you to the world of entrepreneurship - to make someone else's life better.

There are stories upon stories about entrepreneurs who have taken their desire to make a needed service into a profitable corporation. The one I enjoy reading is Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com, an online shoe and apparel store. Legend has it that the inspiration of Zappos.com, which is based in Henderson, Nevada, came about because Hsieh could not find a pair of brown Airwalks in the mall.

Hsieh wanted everyone to have the chance to purchase the best brands. Better yet, the brands are never out of stock. Hsieh did not have a passion for shoes, but he does have a passion for providing customers with exceptional customer service. I can attest to the quality of the company's customer service.

In the business world, patience is often overlooked. Everybody wants to be first. Do not confuse patience with dragging your feet. Patience involves devising a detailed map or steps to achieve a goal. If you don't practice patience in business, mistakes occur or opportunities are missed.

The Bible says, "A man's wisdom gives him patience" (Proverbs 19:11, NIV). Whenever you start to get in a rush to jump into a venture, think about your relationship with Christ. If you have ever brought a wayward child to Christ, you would understand. You plant seeds along the way, and the greatest reward is that person eventually accepts Christ in their heart. Just imagine if you would have thrown Christianity at them - would you have received the same end result? Plus, there is no timetable. You ask God to deliver the tools you need to make the gift He has given specifically to you to mature in time.

The calling to become an entrepreneur is not an easy one to us, but God placed it in your heart because He knows your abilities. Some of you might doubt yourself or others might attempt to channel their negative energy onto you, but God will make a way. I was one of those people who had no other choice but to let Him guide my steps. Prayer and meditation is a big part of what keeps me doing this entrepreneurial thing every day. Pr ay consistently. It is not the bank loan or the customers or clients that will keep you afloat, it is your devotion to the One who gave you the skill set to take the journey.

It is interesting how God places things in our hearts. The best advice is to never challenge His moves. The more you embrace and pray for Christ's guidance in a business venture, the clearer the vision for you becomes. I always tell individuals who approach me about marketing, the process is not one that takes place overnight. According to Entrepreneur magazine, the ideal strategic marketing takes at least six months. But the mindset is understandable. The world is the same way. But, as believers, we don't have to replicate the world.