'Escapists 2' gets new holiday-themed update 'Santa's Shakedown,' including new jobs and craft materials fit for the Christmas season

"Escapists 2" makers Tean17 promotes latest update "Santa's Shakedown" with an official trailer.YouTube/Team17

Video game developer Team17 has added yet another free downloadable content (DLC) for their prison simulator, "The Escapists 2." Called "Santa's Shakedown," the DLC adds a free map that aims to bring the festive season of December to the game.

The map is filled with falling snow, snowmen, Christmas trees, Santa hats and many other decorations that truly evoke the feel of the holidays. However, the additions in "Santa's Shakedown" is not all about cosmetics.

For instance, the DLC update implements two new ways to break out of prison. There are also new materials to craft, as well as new jobs that fit the theme of the Christmas spirit. For example, players can take on jobs that involve toy-making, decorating Christmas trees, or even sorting letters to Santa Claus.

Still, humor is not lost in the addition of the themed decorations and activities in the new map. There is even a passionate warden who tries to put a pantomime performer in the sports hall. The hall has been repurposed into a makeshift theatre, where performances are presumably rendered by a choir made entirely of inmates.

As usual, Team17 has not been lazy in hunting down bugs and glitches and fixing them. Among other performance enhancements, they fixed the bug that caused audio and graphics issues when a player quits the game with the map open. They also fixed the issue of minimap icons being visible in versus mode, despite being hidden in a locker.

Another welcome fix was rolled out for the issue that prevented players to start with low stats when the difficulty is set to "Hard." A full list of fixes was included in the patch notes released with the update.

"The Escapists 2" is a sequel to the Team17 game of the same name. The ultimate gameplay goal is to escape a prison, but various activities can also be done while inside the jail.

The game available for the PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One.