Exciting Approach to Biblical Teaching for Youth

|TOP|essential, an initiative of the Evangelical Alliance, has recently been created to effectively engage young people with biblical teaching.

Targeted towards an audience that gets easily turned off by theology, essential aims to support youth workers as they help young people explore the simplicity and complexity of Christian faith in a fresh, dynamic, life-changing way.

Phil Green, project director for essential, said: "So often young people tend to know the Christian viewpoint on social and ethical issues, but it appears that far fewer have a solid understanding of foundational Christian beliefs.

"My experience has taught me that if you ask a young person what Christians think about abortion, euthanasia or sex before marriage, you get a fairly coherent answer.

"However, ask them why Jesus had to die on the Cross or how we should speak to members of other faiths and many really struggle. |AD|

"essential will emphasise the uniqueness of Christ and inspire and equip young people to engage with the Bible and Christian belief."

The web-based initiative will have input from a number of other Christian organisations involved with youth work, and will identify and bridge any gaps in existing resources, raise awareness of the importance of theological education, and help young people get a good grasp on doctrine so they can share their strengthened faith with others.

Among other things, visitors to the website will be able to download quality course materials, study guides and book reviews, and access FAQs on difficult theological subjects.

For the latest on the project visit www.eauk.org/theology/essential.