Europe Must Not Ignore Efforts to 'Islamise' the West, says Papal Aide

Europe should not ignore attempts to introduce Islamic values in the West which could even threaten the continent's identity, Pope Benedict's private secretary said on Thursday.

The Pope has tried to underline his respect for the Islamic faith since many Muslims were offended by a speech in Germany last year in which they believed he was linking Islam and violence.

"Attempts to islamise the West should not be brushed off," private secretary Georg Gaenswein told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung magazine in an interview posted on its website. "And the danger for the identity of Europe, which is linked to that, should not be ignored out of wrong-headed respect," added Gaenswein.

He told the magazine that the Pope's speech in Regensburg, which included a mediaeval quote about Islam being spread by violence, should have counteracted any naivety about Islam.

"Under the concept (of Islam) there is a collection of many different, sometimes opposing views, even including extremists who invoke the Koran in their actions and use arms," he said.

Gaenswein gave no specific examples of efforts to introduce Islamic values in the West.

He also said the Pope aimed to work on interreligious dialogue and engage in dialogue with other religions.