European Christian Environmental Assembly to Focus on Living in New Energy Era

|TOP|The 6th Assembly of the European Christian Environmental Network, to take place later in the year, will focus on the theme ‘Living In a New Energy Era’.

The event, which normally takes place every two years, has been moved forward to this year, instead of 2007, in order to support the year of the Third European Ecumenical Assembly and the prominence it has given to environmental issues.

Deliberations at the Assembly, to be held from Sept. 27 to Oct. 1 2006 in Flaemslaett church centre in Sweden, will be shaped by the rising concern over energy crises, the growing scarcity of energy, as well as the limited resources of fossil fuels and the rapid need for use of renewable resources.

Delegates will also explore energy management and the role of churches in promoting responsible energy consumption, already introduced at the 3rd Assembly in Minsk in 2001 which ran under the theme ‘A new energy must now begin’.

|AD|In a letter to members of the ECEN, member churches in the Conference of European Churches and ECEN guests, the secretary of the ECEN, Peter Pavlovic, said: “Our role this time will be to consider the theme in the rapidly changing context and developments in the world as well as in the churches.

“The Assembly will provide an opportunity to share information about renewables and on technology research and development, as well as a possibility to address the need for energy saving and a different lifestyle in the perspective of Christian ethics.”

As well as discussing the main theme and organisational aspects of the ECEN, this year’s Assembly, the first to take place in a Nordic country, will also provide delegates with the opportunity to see the network as a contributor to the process leading to the EEA3 gathering in Sibiu.

The Assembly will feature a number of working groups which will discuss a number of issues, including climate change, the eco-management of congregations, and the liturgical life of the churches.

This year’s Assembly will follow on from the model set out at last year’s event in Basel, which featured an exhibition in the halls of the Mission Centre. This year’s event will also feature an exhibition which will provide delegates with the opportunity to share information about their projects as well as learn from others.