European Churches Gather to Discuss Creation of a Sustainable Environment

Last weekend delegates from the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches in Europe gathered in Basel, Switzerland for the 5th Assembly of the European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN).

Called by the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), more than 120 environmental experts from 30 European countries were invited and the challenge of creating a sustainable environment in Europe was addressed.

A paper approved by the ECEN Assembly stated, "We are concerned that the ecological and social situation is deteriorating. Despite all scientific and political declarations and warnings, too little is being done and often too late about many of the critical problems such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, air, water and soil deterioration."

The document goes on trying to clearly define the rather loose concept of "sustainability", and indicates a series of challenges to churches and politicians in Europe.

Churches at the Assembly were affirmed to "give a high priority to disseminating and underlining the importance of sustainability" and ensure that "their personal and communal lives include sustainability as part of their Christian values".

The Assembly also urged the churches to lobby their governments to "actively explore and urgently apply the most effective environmental fiscal policies as a practical and economic way of conserving energy, limiting environmental degradation and increasing renewable resources".

The same comment is also given to the European Union (EU) that its strategy for sustainable development needs to be strengthened and implemented.

As the General Secretaries of CEC, Dr Keith Clements of the CCEE, and Mgr Aldo Giordano presented plans for the Third European Ecumenical Assembly to be held in Sibiu, Romania in 2007, the ECEN agreed to support the "forum" on environmental issues in Sibiu.

The city of Basel, the venue of the ECEN Assembly, was also the site of the first European Ecumenical Assembly, convened by CEC and CCEE in 1989. A special candlelit ceremony was held during the opening service in the Titus Church to commemorate the link, the same candle was lit in the 1989 Assembly.

ECEN ran from 5th-8th May with the theme "The Churches’ contribution to a sustainable Europe".