European Evangelical Leaders Forum 2005 to be Held in Hungary

Sponsored by the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) and Hope for Europe, the 2005 European Leadership Forum for Evangelical leaders across the continent will be held at the Sopron Convention Centre, Hungary from 11 till 16 June.

Nick Nedelchev, President of the European Evangelical Alliance said, "The Forum is creating a bridge for Europe's evangelical leaders to gain access to God's global resources."

During the 6-day Forum, Plenary Sessions will be held each morning and evening in a large conference hall, and the Networks and Workshops will be held in smaller conference rooms on site. A wide range of topics are to be addressed in the Plenary Sessions by famous evangelicals from all parts of the world across denominational lines.

Dr Peter Jensen, the Archbishop of the Diocese of Sydney, who also teaches at Moore College, will talk about Biblical Theology of the Gospel. Dr John Lennox, Fellow and Chaplain of Green College, Oxford University is going to discuss hope in reality of the eternal world of Gospel based on Revelation Chapter 4 to 7. Dr William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary, will specialise on the theme of how music is related to theology.

Jerram Barrs, Professor of Contemporary Culture at Covenant Seminary and Dr Henri Blocher, President of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians will also speak at the event.

Network meetings will focus on specific groups of evangelical leaders and provide a high calibre of biblical teaching, training, and resources for specific problems and needs. Individuals applying to the Forum are required to join one of the nine Networks, including Evangelism Network, Apologetics Network, Theologians Network, Pastors-Teacher Network, Christians in Society Network, Scientific Network, Counsellor Network, Bioethics Network, and the Leaders of Christian Organisations Network.

In addition, 14 workshops will be offered everyday with different topics. Forum participants are free to choose any one of the workshops. 14 particular tracks of interest which cover 4 workshops during the course of the Forum are also available and they will help participants to have an in-depth understanding of a topic.

As a direct effect of this Forum, over 100 leadership training seminars, events and speaking engagements will take place across Europe this year, according to Nick Nedelchev, President of the European Evangelical Alliance.

"We encourage evangelical leaders to take advantage of the unique opportunity of the Forum and to gain access to many of the world's leading evangelical thinkers, speakers and Best Practice training resources," he added.