Evangelical Alliance Asks for Christ-Like Response to Gay Rights Law

The Evangelical Alliance is encouraging Christians to respond respectfully and in a "Christ-like manner" to the decision made in Tuesday's judicial review of Northern Ireland's Sexual Orientation Regulations that banning discrimination against gays, lesbians and bisexuals is lawful with one exception.

The Alliance has released a statement saying it welcomed the fact that a number of Christian organisations were able to exercise their right to call for the review. It also welcomed the removal of the harassment clause and particularly of the judge's confirmation that the regulations do not apply to the core school curriculum.

However, the EA is also praying that following the decision, Christians' rights do not appear bigger than their representation of Christ or their commitment to the rights of others.

Stephen Cave, the Alliance's National Director Northern Ireland, said: "We urge Christians to put more energy, resources and prayers into the province, becoming more familiar with a vibrant church acting with uncompromising love.

"We hope people will know Christ on the streets even more than they know about our legitimate anxieties in Stormont or in court."

Mr Cave said that although not all Christians supported the review, many are apprehensive that the regulations will clash with their religious liberties.

He said he is disappointed that the Government has yet to come up with a solution to the problem faced by church adoption agencies that in principle feel they cannot adhere to the regulations and may have to cease the valuable work they have been carrying out over many years.

"It is difficult to know how the proposed exemptions will be interpreted in a court of law," he said.

"We are hopeful that Christians will not find themselves in an awkward position because of malicious litigation - but if they do, we will do anything we can to help them.

"We have found the Government keen to engage with us throughout this process, listening to our concerns and taking them into account in their decisions and we acknowledge the difficulties government has in trying to legislate for such a diverse society.

"While we commend any desire to avoid discrimination, this should also include anti-religious discrimination."

He said that the Alliance would continue to engage constructively and respectfully, presenting Christians' views to Government.

But he added: "This is also an important opportunity for Christians to think about their responsibilities to other people created in the image of God.

"The contemporary challenge facing not just Christians, but all of us as citizens, is how to balance freedom of conscience with diversity and equality."