Evangelical Alliance Gives Support to New Anti-Abortion Campaign

The Evangelical Alliance is backing a new anti-abortion campaign, which was launched this week on 26 September at a fringe meeting at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton.
The campaign, whcih is titles 'Alive & Kicking' has received a lot of publicity since its launch. It is made up of an alliance of human rights groups and was created in response to rising evidence of great public support for changes to be made in UK abortion law.

“Evidence proves current thinking on abortion law has not kept up with knowledge about development in the womb,” said Don Horrocks, Head of Public Affairs at the Evangelical Alliance.

“As it stands, babies of similar age that have the same chances of survival do not have equal rights when it comes to living. One can be aborted if inside the womb, the other can receive full neonatal care if outside it."

Horrock continued, "It is heartening therefore to learn that a recent opinion poll commissioned by Alive and Kicking shows that 63% of MPs would support a reduction in the upper limit for abortion, and that two thirds of the general public would like to see the change now.”|QUOTE|

As part of the Alive and Kicking coalition, the Evangelical Alliance believes that it is time for the abortion facts in the UK to be viewed by the public again.

Dr Horrocks said, “We understand that abortion is a sensitive subject for thousands of women in this country and we have member organisations, such as CARE, who help and support women through the difficulties associated with an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy."

In conclusion, the Evangelical Alliance Head of Public Affairs said, "Our desire is not to condemn, but the fact remains that many terminations are carried out for social reasons. The Alive and Kicking campaign is bold and timely and commands our full support.”