Evangelical Alliance Head: Seek Truth as a Guide at ACC Meeting

The 13th Anglican Consultative Council (ACC-13) meeting commenced on 19th June with a Eucharist in St Peter's Church, Nottingham, England, celebrated by bishops, clergy and church representatives from more than 50 countries.

With the presence of the guest preacher - General Director of the Evangelical Alliance UK (EAUK) Rev Dr Joel Edwards - the central and common concern for all Anglicans to seek for the truth under the guidance of the Holy Spirit was highlighted in his sermon, amid the ongoing debate on human sexuality which has caused painful rift in the Church and widespread critics in the society.

Quoting the bible readings from Acts 2:1- 21 and John 14:23-26, Dr Edwards stressed the context as one framed by the promises of God to those who follow him. He spoke of the intense relationship between the disciples, Jesus Christ and God the Father and Holy Spirit. In this relationship of love, the disciples of Christ have to be obedient and have a sense responsibility to follow his commandments. It might have seemed to set the disciples apart from the world this was not the full truth.

Dr Edwards said this perspective is one that goes beyond what the world can understand. However, he reminded that "Christian faith is an alternative culture which must concern itself with what is outside its own sphere of reference." He said this meeting of the ACC will be concerned with truth and it is the Holy Spirit which guides to all truth.

"We are waiting for truth that makes sense to the issues of justice, that makes sense to a people in our newspapers. This is the world of our verger. The Holy Spirit comes to advocate on behalf of the kingdom in the interests of grace," Dr Edwards stated.

"We are to ensure people come to know him who is truth," he added.

Rev Dr Joel Edwards was appointed as one of the first Honorary Canons of St Paul's Cathedral in London in June 2001. The Evangelical Alliance UK which he heads was founded in 1846, and brings together a majority of Britain's 1.39 million Evangelicals. Included in Alliance membership are over 7,000 organisations and churches whose views it aims to represent.

A colourful international procession through Nottingham's city centre was also held as part of the opening event on Sunday, which was joined by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. The 10-day ACC meeting is now underway at the University of Nottingham till 28th June. Tuesday is expected to be the climax of the meeting as the US Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada are due to clarify the theology behind their liberal attitudes toward homosexuality through presentations.