Evangelical Alliance Increases Web Presence to Unify Christians

|PIC1|The Evangelical Alliance has last week released a revamped website that has incorporated more than 500 articles, press releases and information on various issues ranging from ‘What is an evangelical?’ to ‘How to combat gambling in your area.’

The alliance has testified that the new influx of energy into their online presence has come out of efforts to become a critical point of reference for web-based information on evangelical issues in the UK.

Articles on varied issues such as theological and ethical concern are all included, and the new site includes all up to date alliance news, as well as networking opportunities for Christians, details of upcoming events, publications and resources, and links to relevant member organisations.

Other new features on the site include a powerful new search engine, as well as Leaders-digest.com. The bi-monthly online resource can be accessed instantly once registration is complete.

The Executive Director at the Evangelical Alliance, Mike Morris said, “The refreshed layout makes it easy for anyone to stay up to date on topical issues such as the Racial and Religious Hatred legislation and the Assisted Dying and Equality Bills currently making their way through Parliament.

|AD|“Over 20,000 people already visit the Alliance website each month and they, and new users, will be able to check for job vacancies, join or renew their membership and, in the future, download the latest editions of the Alliance’s flagship publication IDEA.”

Visitors to the site will also be able to find out details regarding the alliance’s Alltogether initiative.

Alltogether is a the latest project by the evangelical alliance that looks to introduce a new way of working, and reveals more clearly than ever the concept that “Christians can achieve more if they work together than if they work separately.”

The initiative facilitates organisations working together to commit greater resources to challenging world poverty. In addition to this, the project will also ensure greater sustainability over a longer period of time.

Morris concluded, “The Alliance is well-placed to provide an accessible platform from which to tell these Alltogether stories, and to encourage Christians both individually, and in their organisations to consider replicating simple methods of good practice already pioneered, but perhaps well-hidden from public view.”

The Evangelical Alliance is the largest evangelical body in the UK, bringing together over 1 million Christians. The new website can be viewed by clicking HERE.