Evangelical Alliance Pays Tribute to Former General Secretary Rev Gilbert Kirby

Gilbert Kirby, the General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance UK between 1956 and 1966, has died on Sunday 15 October.

Paying its condolences and celebrating a life devoted to the Lord, an Evangelical Alliance statement said, "He prioritised evangelism, brought evangelical leaders together and encouraged overseas mission by becoming secretary of the Evangelical Missionary Alliance."

Rev Kirby encouraged the establishment of Tearfund (becoming Vice President) and was closely involved in the evangelistic missions of Billy Graham.

After stepping down as General Secretary, Kirby became Principal of London Bible College (now London School of Theology). His dedication and commitment to the Alliance continued over many years, however, as he fulfilled a series of other roles, which included chairing its Executive Council and being appointed as President of the Evangelical Alliance in 1979.

A former General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, Rev Clive Calver said, "Gilbert Kirby was one of those unusual men who was never predictable. When no-one else would have me either as a son-in-law, or a colleague, or even a student, he did all three!

"There must be thousands involved in Christian ministry today around the world who would echo those sentiments about Gilbert. We have lost one of our heroes, but rest in the knowledge that now he enjoys heaven and the Lord he loved to serve."

The current General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, Rev Joel Edwards said, "Gilbert Kirby introduced me to the idea of evangelical unity in diversity. His ministry and lifestyle exemplified the rich diversity of evangelical unity. He was a model of grace and truth whose gentle persuasiveness belied his massive activism and contribution to evangelical ministry across the world."