Evangelical Relief Ministry Seeing Gradual Success in Sudan

A ministry that seeks to spread the message of Christ in persecuted nations is involved in ongoing work in war-torn Sudan. For the past five years Oklahoma-based Strategic World Impact has been working in Eastern Sudan, reaching out to refugees and nomadic Muslims with the gospel.

SWI president Kevin Turner recently talked with Mission Network News about the ministry and how it has worked gradually to establish a rapport with the natives of the area.

"When we first started our outreach in this region, the people were pretty closed," Turner explained. "But over five years, we've been able to build credibility with them."

And because of their trust in the ministry workers' genuine concern, Turner noted, "We've been able to share the JESUS Film, distribute some literature for them to read, and we've even had several Muslims now request Bibles."

And even in its outreach among Muslims, SWI is seeing successes. "We're seeing people turn from Islam to follow Jesus, and it's really very rewarding in this area," Turner says. Each success contributes to the SWI's goal of reaching Eastern Sudan for Christ, one person at a time.

SWI is a global ministry dedicated to caring for the most oppressed people in times of crisis.

Kenneth Chan
Ecumenical Press