Evangelical Scottish Anglicans Rebuke the Church’s Pro-Gay Statement

A statement published by the evangelical Scottish Anglican Network on Sunday has added fuel to the schism over homosexual bishop ordination in the Scottish Episcopal Church. The Church is threatening to split as the conservatives protest against its open stance towards the ordination of gay clergy.

The statement from the Scottish Episcopal Church College of Bishops dated 22nd March reads, "The Scottish Episcopal Church has never regarded the fact that someone was in a close relationship with a member of the same sex as in itself constituting a bar to the exercise of an ordained ministry."

Yesterday, an email from the evangelical Scottish Anglican Network sternly rebuked the Bishops’ statement, saying that it had appalled churchgoers who saw it as a move away from the Church’s traditional stance, according to the Times newspaper.

The Rev David McCarthy of St Silas Church in Glasgow and the network’s spokesman is quoted by the Times, "This Easter there have been people sitting in pews across the country who don’t agree with the direction the Church has taken."

He told the BBC, "What the bishops have said is a move from what the church has traditionally taught and a move away from what the Bible teaches us."

"We love the Church, it is our home and we don’t want to leave it. But if bishops are not prepared to discuss this issue openly then we will have to take action to reflect our unhappiness and concern," he said.

Protests might include individual churches snubbing bishops or even reducing the amount that they pay to the central church body, according to the Times.

Even though the Scottish Episcopal Church is independent of the Church of England, it has shown its great concern regarding the current crisis over homosexuality within the Anglican Communion. The liberal movement taken by its North-American counterparts to ordinate the gay American bishop Gene Robinson and recognise same sex blessings has divided liberals and conservatives.

A conference will take place on 7th April between the Scottish bishops and conservative clergy and lay members, who have rallied under the banner of the Scottish Anglican Network.

Rev David McCarthy has demanded the bishops to reconsider their position before the meeting. The evangelical Scottish Anglican Network represents about 15 percent of the 45,000-strong Scottish Episcopal Church.

Till now, the Scottish Episcopal Church said they would not comment until they had seen a copy of the email.