Evangelicals Condemn Channel 4 Dawkin Programme

The Evangelical Alliance last week condemned Richard Dawkins’ Channel 4 programme ‘The Root of All Evil’, saying it was “woefully ill-informed atheist polemic which belies its own claims to rational argument.”

The film issued a blistering attack on Judaism, Christianity and Islam, calling them ‘irrational’, ‘divisive’ and ‘dangerous’.

In particular, the film rebuked evangelical Christianity, saying that it equated to fascism, the tactics of the Taliban, and the ideology of the 7/7 bombers.

The Head of Theology at the Evangelical Alliance, Dr David Hilborn said Dawkins “signally failed to define key terms like ‘religion’, ‘evangelical’ and ‘fundamentalist’, showed no evidence of having engaged with scholarly sources at the interface of theology and science, and dodged any interaction with peers from the academic community who are believing scientists, or with theologians trained in the natural sciences.