Evangelicals urge Cameron and Clegg to lead in ‘spirit of trust and cooperation’

The Evangelical Alliance has welcomed the new Government formed by David Cameron and Nick Clegg as the two leaders sought today to reassure the British public that their Government would last.

New Prime Minister David Cameron said the new Government would “change the face of politics”.

“We want to give the country good government,” he said. “We want to sort out the problems of the debt and the deficit and the problems of the public services.”

Nick Clegg added that the coalition between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats would last because it was underpinned by a “common purpose”, in this case restoring stability to the economy and giving people “more power and opportunities in their everyday lives”.

Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, said: “Out of the potential chaos that followed Thursday's indecisive result, we have seen our political leaders act with a dignity that accords their high office.

“I hope that the coming weeks and months will see a co-operative approach embodied in British politics. This is a chance to restore trust in the political system and show that politics can work for the benefit of all.”

Mr Clifford paid tribute to Gordon Brown, who stepped down as Prime Minister on Monday, and outgoing MPs, saying he hoped the coming weeks and months would see the dawn of a “new cooperative approach” to British politics.

He said the new Government signalled an opportunity for a new emphasis on responsibilities rather than rights and a chance to encourage broad civil liberties.

He called on churches to work closely with their MPs and local government.

“This is a new opportunity not just for our politicians, but for all of us to explore how working together – while undoubtedly challenging – can be more effective than going it alone,” he said.

“I ask that many will join with me in praying for David Cameron and Nick Clegg as they take up their new roles, that they will be granted wisdom in the decisions they take and peace amid the inevitable storms that will come their way.”