Evangelist to communicate fun side of faith to kids

Open Air Campaigners (OAC) will be joining Churches Together at the Royal Cornwall Show from 5 to 7June to share the good news of Jesus in a dynamic way.

OAC evangelist Marten Holmes has a reputation for combining fun with the earnest presentation of Christian faith on a regular basis. As an OAC Ministries evangelist, his extensive schools ministry and work among adults uses creative outreach in a variety of settings.

Visitors in search of hot and cold drinks may find themselves instead chatting to a team of people who are ready to listen and discuss spiritual matters. Although many of these activities fall into the 'sowing' category, past experience has already shown that there is still the opportunity to reap, after one chaplain at another event led someone to faith after observing him reading one of Holmes' booklets.

Together with fellow OAC evangelist Alan Offord, Holmes will engage in the children's outreach, with activities including large games and face painting. In his opinion, a particularly effective way of presenting the Gospel is through the 'wordless book'. This is a craft which uses coloured beads to represent concepts like sin and salvation. An attractive wrist band is created and children then wear it as a reminder of biblical truths.

Holmes admits it can be a chaotic time. "I tend to run in lots of different directions which can be interesting,"

He also insists, however, that the job still gets done: "I see myself primarily as a story teller. I just want to present the good news of Jesus in a fresh way. So whether it involves using sketchboard illustrations or drama, it's to tell biblical stories in a different way."

Throughout the year, Holmes is involved in special events and has gained a reputation as a humorous presenter, similar to a stand-up comedian. Recently he headed a cabaret at a curry night used for church outreach, and his work with children and young people ranges from children's clubs to praise parties and youth camps.

Dating back more than 200 years, the Royal Cornwall Show has earned a reputation for excellence and the children's outreach makes a positive contribution with fun that leads to ongoing faith. For more information, please contact OAC at www.oacgb.org.uk