Evangelists ready to take Gospel to London tourists

|PIC1|London is a world city. People from every part of the globe walk its streets on any given day and for many years the Tell-A-Tourist mission team has taken advantage of that by going to be where the people are.

This year is no exception as they plan to set up their sketchboard to preach, take Gospel leaflets in scores of different languages and go to the tourist ‘hot-spots’ of the capital - Oxford Circus, Covent Garden, Hyde Park and Piccadilly Circus to name a few.

This outreach venture is led jointly by London City Mission (LCM) and OAC Ministries (Open Air Campaigners). Tell-A-Tourist will run from 27 July – 1 August throughout Greater London.

Reaching the world’s unevangelised people who travel by tube to tourist sites and doing pioneering missionary work among them hour by hour is a daily experience.

Participants come from varied locations and with a wide range of ages and backgrounds. Team work is emphasised from prayer sessions through actual outreach.

Professional evangelists provide training in areas such as Gospel presentation, handling objections and open air ministry. There will be opportunities to engage in one-to-one conversations as well as communicate Gospel messages to the public.

Sketchboard illustrations provide a creative means to attract attention. Yet practical benefits include reinforcing the spoken message with visuals and also helping people who are not fluent in English. Literature distribution is another important aspect of this outreach since it enables individuals to take away the Gospel message in their own language.

"We expect to speak to people from over 50-60 countries (72 is our record!) and tell them of the love, life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Many of them tell us that they have never heard this message before," says Peter Kennelly, London Director of OAC.

"In the summer months, more than ever, London becomes the capital of the lost world and Tell-A-Tourist is a powerful, productive and spiritually strategic week of mission reaching out to every nation on earth. Come and be part of it!"

On the web: www.oacgb.org.uk and www.lcm.org.uk