Everlife take on stereotypes of beauty

Christian sister-rock-trio Everlife today released a brand new, eye-popping music video for their latest single, “What’s Beautiful,” at Ransom.tv, a ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association aimed at young people.

The song is a challenge culturally accepted concepts of beauty. Acknowledging the struggle of many young women, it moves powerfully from questioning and confession to triumph and empowerment.

"We really struggled with the scenes where we barely had makeup and just white t-shirts and bare feet," says Everlife's Julia Ross. "We don't always feel good about ourselves without wearing what we think covers our flaws. But we loved the shots because we are also singing this song back to ourselves."

"The Ransom team truly captured the vision of our song," adds group member Sarah Ross. "With all the media hype on physical perfection, many of us are left craving to be someone or something better than what we see in our reflection. We hope to encourage girls and guys to understand that they are not alone in feeling that way, and also we're hopeful they'll join us in redefining the meaning of beauty. Each of us are unique, not meant to be in a mould."

The video, shot mostly in Nashville, was produced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), which runs Ransom.tv. Parts of the video were also shot at BGEA’s studio in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Everlife has performed for millions of fans while on major tours with teen superstars Miley Cyrus, The Cheetah Girls and the Jonas Brothers. The Ross sisters – Julia (20), Sarah (23) and Amber (25) – are currently on their third European concert tour in support of their new single and their 2009 EP at the Love Library, which along with their self-titled Walt Disney Records debut, are available at iTunes.

Ransom.tv aims to address some of life’s toughest questions with compelling content – in a format custom-designed for the “millennial” generation. The site features videos, culturally relevant articles, testimonials, devotions and other engaging pieces on real topics to encourage a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Ransom updates can also be found on Facebook (www.facebook.com/WeAreRansom), Twitter (twitter.com/WeAreRansom) and its YouTube channel (youtube.com/user/RansomTeeVee).