Evidence of Human Rights Atrocities Revealed in Burma

Fresh evidence has emerged this week of gross violations of human rights perpetrated by Burma's military regime against the Karen, Karenni and Shan ethnic groups.

During a fact-finding visit to the Thai-Burmese border, Christian Solidarity Worldwide has told Christian Today about the atrocities being committed in the region.

CSW visited Internally Displaced People (IDPs) inside Karen and Shan States in eastern Burma, and heard first-hand testimonies of forced labour, torture, looting and the destruction of villages, crops and livestock.

This year, the Burma Army mounted its biggest offensive against the Karen since 1997. At least 25,000 Karen civilians have been displaced. The Free Burma Rangers, a relief group working in the conflict areas, report that at least 50 people have been killed. One man, Saw They Shur, was burned alive in his home at Play Hta village near Hoki, in Toungoo District on 1 November.