'Evolve' DLC update: New monster Behemoth and four hunters: Torvald, Crow, Sunny and Slim


Evolve DLC, the first shooter game where players try to go head-to-head with alien beasts and hunters is set to get a big update this March 31, 2015.

Expected to expand the game is a reportedly new Behemoth monster as well as four hunter characters, each equipped with a special set of skills that easily blends them in with the existing characters of the game. At the moment, Evolve has three monsters and a dozen hunters.

The Behemoth is set to join existing monsters such as the Krake, Goliath and Wraith, all playable. As the character name suggests, Behemoth is a massive and heavily armed creature whose main feature is its ability to create and indestructible rock wall which could pose a problem for hunters and block passages as well.

Players will need to watch out as well for its tongue-lash ability, something that can easily grab hold of hunters up close for an easier target and kill.

As for the new hunters, they are Torvald (assault specialist), Crow (trapper), Sunny (support) and Slim (medic).

Torvald is packed with an automatic shot gun which can fire up its ammo in one burst. He also carries a shrapnel grenade while a mortar cannon makes him a deadly offensive weapon against aliens.

Crow on the other has at his hands the power to control 'pets'. Among them include a ferocious dogbeast named Daisy who can help sniff out monsters. He also has a pet 'batray' named Gobi which can track monsters via aerial means. For weaponry, a stasis canon and kinetic long rifle allows him to fire quick shots to slow down monsters, if not cause severe damage.

Thou they are only support characters, Sunny and Slim still have their share of special skills.

Sunny is equipped with grenades but her interesting ability is her jetpack booster which can be attached to hunters and distance them from monsters when needed.

Slim, the medic, can launch a healing drone to help patch up other players when needed. The problem is that the healing process can be interrupted if the hunter is being damaged in the process.

Watch out for the Evolve DLC this March 31 and check out these new characters. Evolve is a game that can be played on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One.