Exodus Ministry Applauds Anglican Head's 'Stand for the Truth'

One of the world's largest Christian referral ministries that addresses homosexual issues and helps individuals "recover" from homosexuality has applauded the Archbishop of Canterbury for his recent statement on homosexuals.

|TOP|The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rt Rev Dr Rowan Williams, further indicated a shift in position towards conservative opinion when he said in August that homosexuals must change their behaviour to be welcomed in the church.

Lauding Dr Williams, one-time liberal advocate of same-sex relationships, Exodus International president, Alan Chambers, said, "We applaud the archbishop's courageous stand for the truth."

"The lack of biblical clarity on the issue of homosexuality is rampant in far too many congregations. Ours is a passionate call to the global church to extend the love and kindness of Jesus Christ, the hope of freedom for those who seek it and the steadfast truth of the Scriptures," he added.

Like many mainline denominations, the Episcopal Church in the US remains divided over homosexuality since the 2003 consecration of New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson – an active homosexual. Opposing homosexual ordination, more than 900 parishes now constitute the Anglican Communion Network and conservative leaders have appealed to Williams for an "alternative primatial oversight", or a new overseer of the Episcopal Church.

|AD|Meanwhile, the Russian Orthodox Church, which severed ties with the Episcopal Church, has offered to restore ties with the conservative Episcopal dioceses, which is a minority in the U.S. Anglican arm.

Episcopal and Anglican leaders scheduled a meeting this month to resolve the division and address the request for a new overseer by the conservative leaders. Bishop Frank T. Griswold indicated that the understanding of denominational leaders that Williams "has no direct authority over the internal life of the Provinces that make up the Communion."

In an interview with Dutch Evangelical newspaper, Nederlands Dagblad, Williams said, "Ethics is not a matter of a set of abstract rules, it is a matter of living the mind of Christ. That applies to sexual ethics.

"I don't believe inclusion is a value in itself. We don't say 'Come in and we ask no questions'. I do believe conversion means conversion of habits, behaviours, ideas, emotions."

Exodus International and traditionalists have pointed to Williams' change of position from defending same-sex love to backing a resolution which says homosexual practice is incompatible with the Bible.

His u-turn has dismayed liberals who see him moving into "the conservative camp", as the Rev. Giles Goddard, chairman of the Inclusive Church, stated.

Exodus International, a resource and referral organisation since 1976, has over 135 ministries across North America and is a network of former homosexuals who share the message of Jesus Christ.