'Fable Legends' release date news: Microsoft clarifies rumored launch date


Gamers who are looking forward to playing "Fabled Legends" this October might be in for a little disappointment as Microsoft has said that the rumored release date of the upcoming free-to-play role-playing game is incorrect. 

Earlier, news came out that Microsoft accidentally revealed the game's release date on their 2015 San Diego Comic-Con recap video. As spotted by GamesRadar, the words "Available October 13" can be seen starting at the video's 1:50 mark. But Microsoft was quick to clarify the rumors, and immediately released a statement regarding the game's possible release date. 

A rep for the company sent a statement to GameInformer, saying: "We look forward to opening the world of 'Fable Legends' to players this holiday, but don't have anything more to share on specific release timing. The date listed in the San Diego Comic-Con Xbox recap video was incorrect and we apologize for any confusion." 

Even game director David Eckelberry denied the validity of the rumored "Fable Legends" release date. In his Wednesday post at NeoGAF, Eckelberry stated that he does not know where the date in the video came from.

"No idea where they got this date. We don't have an announced day of release yet, not even internally..." the game director posted. 

But based on what Eckelberry earlier said regarding the contents of the soon-to-be released title, it seems like waiting for the free game might be all worth it. In an interview with G2G Evolved, he said that "Fable Legends" will come with a lot of downloadable contents after its release. 

"We'll be continuing to release new heroes, quests, and creatures at a very regular and dare I say aggressive cadence after the game's release," the game director shared.

However, he did not specify if the upcoming DLCs will also come out for free, or if players need to pay for them for access.

More details about the game are expected to be released during Microsoft's scheduled panel at the 2015 Gamescom in Germany next month.