Faith groups called to action on poverty

|PIC1|The Jubilee Debt Campaign has launched a new campaign encouraging faith groups to take action on global poverty and poor country debt.

Representatives from the major faiths gathered in Birmingham on Wednesday to launch Global Poverty, Seeking Justice.

Stephen Rand, Jubilee Debt Campaign co-chair, said: “There is a desperate need for further action on debt and global poverty. Faith communities and organisations have already played a vital role in the campaign.

“We want to build on past activities and engagement and together – in and through our faith communities, locally and nationally – raise awareness of the issues and speak out for justice.”

A conference is being planned for people of faith to come together and share ideas on how they can build awareness of the issues surrounding poverty and debt and what action can be taken to alleviate them.

Steve Miller, Jubilee Debt Campaign co-chair, said: “In a world so often characterised by division, it’s great to see people of different faiths recognising the common bond of humanity and the shared desire to combat poverty and seek justice.”

“The campaign to Drop the Debt is one of the most significant global people movements ever,” said Rand. “Much has been achieved – but much remains to be done.

“At a time of global economic crisis, people of faith taking action together to seek justice will demonstrate that our common values can bring people together to make a difference on global poverty.”

The launch was timed to coincide with the first ever UK-wide Inter-Faith Week, facilitated by the Inter Faith Network for the UK and the Department for Communities and Local Government to help strengthen good inter-faith relations.

Bishop Tom Butler, co-chair of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, said: “We are delighted at the level of response to Inter Faith Week. It has clearly caught the imagination of the country.”