Faith groups join call to Boris Johnson to prioritise climate change

(Photo: Unsplash/Chris Liverani)

Christian development agencies are part of a coalition of organisations calling on the Prime Minister to prioritise the climate ahead of a major UN summit later this year. 

With the UK hosting COP 26 in Glasgow this November, the Climate Coalition says the country should become a global climate leader and go further to achieve net zero carbon emissions. 

In an open letter to Boris Johnson, the coalition says the UK must "get its own house in order" ahead of the summit and start "green turbocharging" decarbonisation policies in order to maximise emissions reductions and "reach net-zero as soon as possible".

This requires a more ambitious 2030 target for net zero emissions, the coalition said. 

"The scale of the cyclone in Mozambique last year, the fires in Australia and the flooding in the UK are further evidence that climate change is already causing devastation to people and wildlife," it said.

"Everything must be done to achieve the target in the Paris Agreement to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C. We stand ready to work with your government through the year and beyond to achieve that outcome.

Elsewhere, the letter urges the UK to "maximise cooperation" with China, and build a positive relationship with the EU on addressing climate change. 

With an EU-China summit planned for September, the Climate Coalition said that a "strong" climate deal between the two ahead of COP 26 "will be a necessary prerequisite for a successful outcome at the summit itself, by demonstrating that the world's largest economies are helping to close the gap against what scientists say would be required to avoid the worst temperature rises".

Christian Aid, Tearfund and CAFOD are among the more than 60 organisations forming the Climate Coalition. 

"Let's get net-zero done," the coalition said. 

It added: "In the face of the climate emergency, now is the moment for the UK, under your charge, to become a global climate leader. There is no time for delay."