Faith helps protect women against domestic violence: Tearfund survey

Research carried out by aid and development agency Tearfund has shown that having a faith affects the likelihood of men behaving violently toward their partner.

The charity found that men who are actively engaged in a faith group are more than twice as likely to think violence towards their partner is never justified, compared to those who are not engaged at all.

An anonymous survivor of sexual and gender-based violence in the DRC.Richard Hanson/Tearfund

The study was carried out in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and found that nearly 40 per cent of women reported that they had suffered sexual violence from an intimate partner in the past year.

The country has also endured years of conflict, with sexual and gender-based violence used as a weapon.

The research was highlighted today, November 25, as it marks the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). It says: 'One of the most striking findings was that faith engagement was consistently shown to correlate with more empowering attitudes for both men and women, and also showed a protective correlation in terms of women's experience of Intimate Partner Violence.' 

It was carried out as part of the UK government-funded project called What Works to prevent violence against women and girls. As part of this project in DRC Tearfund runs 'Transforming Masculinities', a course examining how harmful norms around gender roles perpetuate sexual and gender-based violence. The project works with faith and community leaders to remove stigma, and change behaviours.

Transforming Masculinities is now being piloted in neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR). Tearfund, with the help of UK Aid Match, has launched a fundraising campaign to help people in CAR. Money raised through the campaign will build on work with vulnerable women and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, helping them to rebuild their lives through economic activities as well as access to counselling and other support. The UK government has pledged to match pound for pound every donation made by the public as part of its Aid Match programme.

Tearfund ambassador and Olivier Award-winning actor Tamsin Greig visited the charity's sexual and gender-based violence projects.

Actor Tamsin Greig meeting Bimenya (right), 25, who was married and about to give birth to her first baby when she was raped in the DRC.Geoff Crawford/Tearfund

She said: 'I met women and young girls in the DRC who had suffered so much as a result of rape. This is still going on and this is another chance to help the courageous women that I was privileged to meet along with others in the Central African Republic.

'I was shocked to discover that in some countries up to 70 per cent of women will have experienced some physical and/or sexual violence from their intimate partner.'