Faith leaders get behind NHS organ donation campaign

|PIC1|Leaders of the major faith groups have given their support to the Wall of Life, an interactive campaign launched last week by NHS Blood and Transplant.

The campaign aims to promote awareness of and support for organ donation to boost the number of people joining the NHS organ donor register.

The Wall of Life is an online mosaic created from people's photos posted on the site to show their support for organ donation. These photos come together to make up the image of two-year old Louisa McGregor-Smith whose life was saved by a heart transplant in 2007 at just five months old. At least 60,000 people need to upload their photos onto the Wall to build Louisa's image.

People joining the Wall of Life can then pass details to their friends and families to download a personalised widget on their social profiles and websites, spreading the message across social networks.

The Wall of Life has been created as part of a national campaign to highlight the constant need for organs in the UK. More than 10,000 people currently need a transplant operation, of whom 1,000 - three a day - will die before an organ becomes available.

Christian leaders supporting the Wall of Life include the Bishop of Southwark, the Rt Rev Tom Butler, and the Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols.

Lynda Hamlyn, Chief Executive of NHS Blood and Transplant, said: "People often find organ donation a difficult subject to raise with their family and friends and some are unsure of the stance which their religion takes on the issue. This public support from faith leaders gives them clear guidance to help their decision about organ donation.

"We all have the potential to save lives by signing up to the NHS organ donor register, demonstrating our support by joining the Wall of Life and spreading the message to others."

Louisa's mother, Samantha McGregor-Smith added: "We are so grateful that our baby girl was given a second chance and keen that everyone knows the good that comes out of signing up to NHS organ donation register."

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