Faith leaders support campaign for more black and Asian blood donors

Faith leaders from several of the UK's major religions are lending their support to a campaign to encourage more black and Asian people to donate blood.

The National Blood Service (NBS) campaign, called 'Circle of Life' aims to highlight the need for regular blood donation from all communities to ensure demand for blood is met.

The act of blood donation has received endorsement from Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh faith leaders, who recognise that more blood donors from ethnic communities are needed across England and north Wales. Currently, only five percent of the eligible population donate blood, and less than three percent of the total number of donors are from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Research has shown that many non-donors have assumed religious objections to blood donation, while in fact none of the major faiths practised in the UK forbid the life-saving act.

The NBS hopes the faith leader endorsement will help overcome fears that blood donation is not accepted and will encourage more people to not only consider donating blood, but also come forward and actually donate.

Bishop Dr Joe Aldred, Chair of the Council of Black-led Churches commented: "I believe that giving blood is an act of love and compassion that will directly help our fellow brothers and sisters.

"Jesus taught us about love through all His words and actions, and shedding His blood on the cross for us is the ultimate act of Love.

"I support this campaign to encourage more black people to give blood and I ask you to come forward and give a small amount of time to help your community and to save lives."

Shahid Raza, President of World Islamic Mission of Europe and Founder of British Muslim Forum, added: "In Islam blood donation is not only permissible but it is considered as an act of charity, and kindness. Helping someone to save his/her life or alleviating their suffering by donating blood brings enormous reward by God.

"As an Imam and director of Imam's and Mosques Council UK, I wish to participate in any campaign in respect of creating and enhancing the awareness of the benefits of blood donation."

The NBS collects around 7,000 blood donations every day just to maintain the supply of blood to hospitals across England and north Wales. On average, just over 200 of these donations are from ethnic minority donors.

Zeeshan Agshar of the NBS explained why they are aiming to increase this number to at least 300 a day, and also increase the black and Asian registrations on the British Bone Marrow Registry by a further 1500.

He said: "We are encouraging people from the widest communities to come forward to ensure that whenever someone is in need of blood or bone marrow, there is a matching type available. Some blood types are more common within ethnic communities, and with bone marrow, you are much more likely to find a match from your own ethnic group.

"With the Circle of Life campaign and support from key Faith Leaders, we are trying to break down barriers to show that there is nothing to fear. Individuals can make a huge difference to the lives of people in their own community and there is no better gift than the gift of life."

If you are aged between 17 - 59 years of age, in general good health and weigh over 7st 12lbs (50kgs) you can potentially give blood. Donors can ring the National Donor Helpline on 0845 7 711 711 (open 24hrs) or visit to register their details and find the venues and times for their nearest blood donation session.