Faith you can takeaway

Are you passionate about God’s Word and meeting Jesus 365 days a year? Then Soul Survivor’s new DVD “Soul Survivor – to go” is just the ticket for you.

“Soul Survivor – to go” promises “faith you can takeaway” long after the festivals have packed up and you are back to life as you know it – and we’re glad to say it delivers!

For just £9.99, you can just sit back and let your spirit connect with God and the bigger picture over 3 hours of the Spirit-filled worship, teaching and preaching that have made Soul Survivor’s summer festivals such a hit.

Mike Pilavachi, Ali Martin, Ben Cantelon, Sam Parker, Beth Coulson and Andrew Croft all share their wisdom on the essentials for believers, like how to speak to others about your faith in Jesus or understanding how the Holy Spirit works through God’s people.

This DVD is great if you’ve never made it to a Soul Survivor festival yet and just want to see what they are all about. But it’s also great if you have been to one and need help counting down the days until your next one.

And although this DVD is aimed primarily at Christian youths, its straight-talking approach to living out faith and sharing the Good News of Jesus are enlightening and uplifting for believers of all ages.

To get your hands on “Soul Survivor – to go”, visit