Faithworks & Christian Aid Call UK Churches to 'Act Justly'

Church leaders from across the UK will be challenged to engage with issues of social justice at home and abroad by the Bishop of Durham, the Right Revd Tom Wright, at the Act Justly Church Leaders' Conference in London on Tuesday 6 March.

The conference, hosted at Waterloo by Christian Aid and Faithworks, will examine the theology of social justice and show the imperatives for church engagement with this issue, as well as exploring how local churches are working this out, and offering resources to help them connect and engage.

Bishop Wright will open the conference with a plenary session exploring the church's role in social action. There will then be a workshop led by Joyce Eribu, manager of the Facing AIDS with Compassion and Education (FACE) project run by Youth with a Mission (YWAM) in Soroti, Uganda, looking at social justice in a global context. This will be followed by a workshop from Revd Malcolm Duncan, leader of the Faithworks Movement, looking at the local context.

The title of the conference is inspired by Micah 6, v8, which says: "And what does the Lord require of you, but to act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God".

"The church is exploding with social justice activities. Whether it's cleaning up graffiti or campaigning to Make Poverty History, UK Christians are involved," said Malcolm Duncan. "We hope this conference will inspire attendees to act justly. We are here to help them, their churches and their organisations to find the best ways to do this."