'Falling Skies' season 5 finale spoilers: Who will live to tell the tale of victory or loss in 'Reborn'?


Not everyone will come out unscathed and alive when "Falling Skies" season 5 wraps up with the 2nd Mass and the Masons' ultimate attempt to take down the Espheni for good. This is what the synopsis and the teasers have been emphasizing. Actor Drew Roy, who plays Hal in the series, hinted to Hitflix the same thing.

"It is the final battle and surely somebody's not going to make it. Who will it be?" the actor teased. Being coy about the details, he just simply said, "We'll have to find out." 

The finale titled "Reborn" is reportedly ending with the death of an important member of the 2nd Mass. While the identity of the character in question is not clear, fans of the series expect it will be thrilling to see how it all unfolds. 

The general consensus is that Tom Mason – the member who likes to take the risk among the members of the team – will be the one to bite the dust. While he has taken so many risks, he already became comfortable with them and this time, he might not get the good end of the bargain. 

Fans also know that his luck could eventually run out. And if that happens, it is not too impossible that Tom will not be as lucky as he was in previous missions when he takes on his ultimate undertaking in the season 5 finale. 

"Reborn" will air Aug. 30. Whether or not the 2nd Mass will be able to save the planet from their adversary, which is becoming more and more difficult to take down, fans will know tonight. Here is the synopsis for the episode:

The final standoff brings the Masons, the 2nd Mass and their new allies into the bowels of an iconic American location, wrought with new and unpredictable obstacles. Despite great loss along the way, they must persevere with hopes of once and for all reclaiming Earth and humanity."