Bethesda had to finally break its silence after rumors surrounding the existence of "Fallout 4" went full blast in the past few weeks. The developer's oath to keep its lips tight when it comes to its plans and schemes was hardly ever breached, until now.
Articles here and there claim the imminent arrival of a brand new installment of the post-apocalyptic series and all of them either put their wishful thinking into writing or they simply fiddle and bait readers and gamers who have been entreating the game developer for a new title. Majority of the sites draw on suspicious and nonexistent sources, all to make the supposed onset of "Fallout 4" all too convincing.
There was always something fishy with all these "Fallout 4"-related upshots all from rumor mills, and Bethesda has finally and surprisingly dispelled all of them, as it seems to be feeling the blows of the bunch of ruses on its part. Now that the developer transformed the rumors into hoaxes, new speculations expectedly come into view. This time around though, these details may finally be something to root for.
After the German patent filing rumor regarding the "Fallout 4: Shadow of Boston," which was revealed to be more of a myth than a possibility, another "Fallout" trademark patent emerged and it involves Pip Boy. Bethesda, via Pete Hines, went on to tell everyone through its official twitter account that this is indeed from them.
The tweet reads: "Re: http://imgur.com/GWS3YJO RT @DCDeacon not a hoax. our filing. just protecting our trademark. also helps in dealing with infringement stuff."
Before letting out a sigh of relief, many recognize Hines's move merely as an effort to save fans from pronouncing it as another hoax. In an answer to one of their Twitter followers, Hines suggested that gamers and fans "shouldn't expect info anytime soon." So at the moment, a "Fallout 4" title remains cloaked with ambiguity.
On the other hand, The Bitbag, acknowledging new speculations about the game, brought up a hint of the game's possibility in the form of a tweet by Geoff Keighley of VGX. He posted a snap of him and some Bethesda ladies as they took a break from their "planning." As many diehard gamers know, VGX is a go-to for "Fallout" revelations and many believe that Bethesda may use it again as a channel to blow the whistle on the highly-anticipated "Fallout 4" title, clinging to Bethesda's previous feat of making "Skyrim" known to the public.
Up until now, Bethesda has not let even a few fine points drop when "Fallout 4" is the subject. Fans have barely scratched the surface, and even the production of the game is no more than a big question mark. While the future of the "Fallout" series is still blurry, gamers hold their breaths for some Bethesda news stunners soon.