'Fallout 4' DLC rumors: new information 'coming soon'


The official DLC packs for "Fallout 4" have yet to be announced, and because of the delay, the season pass is still available in select stores. However, when asked by fans regarding any form of DLC via Twitter, Bethesda Softworks managed to reply with an ambiguous "more info coming soon" response.

It is likely that this means there are DLC packs in development but are not yet ready for an official launch just yet. Fans speculate, however, that the content is ready and that Bethesda Softworks is simply waiting for their scheduled event to properly announce the DLC to the public.

The report does point out that the word "soon" could mean anything. It is possible that Bethesda will announce the upcoming DLC content and then release the said content almost immediately after or will make the announcement a few months before they officially launch. 

However, Bethesda's Todd Howard did mention that "Fallout 4" will see a multitude of DLC expansions and that this year will see several of these planned releases come to fruition. The game has been out since November last year and the only additional content thus far comes from user-created mods that are only available on the PC.

The report also points out that the last major release from Bethesda, "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim," did see at least three DLC expansions before support was ended. Several DLC expansions were also released for "Fallout 3" and "Fallout New Vegas," therefore it is safe to assume that "Fallout 4" will see a few expansions released before the end of this year.

Despite no official announcement yet, there are several rumors as to what the upcoming DLC packs will add to the already very extensive game. It was previously reported that underwater-centric DLC is possible, and according to N4BB there is also the speculation of a DLC campaign where the British military will invade the Wasteland.