'Fallout 4' bug: Blurred vision bug discovered in the game

Twitter courtesy of "Fallout"

"Fallout 4" has been a critical and commercial success since it's been launched, but that does not mean that it's completely without problems.

One of the issues with "Fallout 4" thus far has been the prevalence of bugs inside the game, and while most of them are worth chuckling about, some of them can be genuinely damaging, such as the recently discovered blurred vision bug.

According to Polygon, the blurred vision bug is exactly what it sounds in that it makes the world inside the game appear almost out of focus, but that's not the worst of it.

First off, players who are suffering from the blurred vision bug have mentioned that they have no idea where they got it from. Some players have suggested that the bug may originate from taking a critical strike to the head, while others have speculated that it may be a result of chem use. The only thing certain is that players have no clue as to what actually causes the blurred vision bug to present itself in "Fallout 4."

Another issue is that the bug appears to have no fix currently available inside the game.

Players have reportedly tried everything from sleeping to using stimpaks and RadAways and even going so far as to change the appearance of their characters, and yet, the bug remains present. Some players have even attempted to alter the settings of the game but that too has not worked.

According to Game Rant, the blurred vision bug also appears to have a connection with Dr. Sun in Diamond City. Players who have visited the doctor to have their radiation damage removed have reported that the function does not work. Instead, Dr. Sun simply says that the procedure is done, and yet the character still has radiation poisoning

"Fallout 4" players who are suffering from the blurred vision are probably better served for now to simply load an earlier save file where the bug has not yet appeared.

Right now, most players believe that the likely fix for the blurred vision bug in "Fallout 4" is a patch released by Bethesda, although it's unknown when that might arrive.