'Fallout 4' news: Fans can now test their survival skills in revamped Survival Mode beta

Fallout 4 Survival ModeBethesda

Bethesda, the game company behind the "Fallout" series, has completely redone the Survival Mode in its latest game, and before doing a public release, the game developer is inviting their fans to try out the beta. Fans can now see if they have the guts to survive in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

The new "Fallout 4" Survival Mode now features the following:

Saving with sleep – Automatic game saving is disabled during the Survival Mode. Players need to manually save their games and only in a specific scenario, while sleeping on a bed for at least one hour. Players are now forced to completely study every action to be taken before getting into a fight. The Bethesda programming team gave emphasis on scouting and information gathering.

No more fast Travel – Teleportation services are put on hold for the upcoming mode. Players need to do some walking if they want to go to a specific area or location. Players are now forced to explore the beauty of the Wasteland.

Increased Lethality – Since Bethesda wants its players to think and plan more, damage inflicted from combat is now increased. The more fight a player handles, the more damage they sustain, thus the slower they get. Meanwhile, players can inflict more damage with the use of Adrenaline.

Adrenaline – This is a new addition to the game mode, which increases every time a player gets to kill five opponents. Max rank is placed at 10 and can provide up to 50 percent extra damage. However, sleeping lessens the adrenaline level.

Facing the unknown – Compass reliance is also taken out of the Survival Mode. Players will not be able to see threats on the compass. Players must take in to consideration the element of surprise, as in what will they see lurking behind a corner.

Wellness (exhaustion, hunger, thirst) -- Players will now be considering their own characters' health. Regular intake of fluids, plenty of rest and eating properly and regularly are now factors in the new game mode. The players' characters will not last a long time without the basics.

There are more to know about "Fallout 4's" Survival Mode. Bethesda offers a complete explanation of other factors affecting the game play.

Josh Hamrick, one of the game designers and a certified survivor, said "My favorite moments in games are when my decisions are validated, even when that means a poor choice leads to things going sideways or completely south. The stories that those moments deliver are always the best. I think that's the common thread running through all of the changes we've made."

The "Fallout 4" Survival Mode beta is now available from Steam and instructions on how to get it are available on their community page.