'Fallout 4' affected by Windows 10 update

"Fallout 4" is no stranger to glitches and other minor technical issues, although it appears the latest performance problems plaguing the personal computer (PC) version of the game are not similar to those.

As Express UK reported, a recent Windows 10 update is causing some problems for the PC port of "Fallout 4." The game is mainly suffering from some performance issues, thanks to the new Windows 10 update; and understandably, a lot of fans are frustrated by that latest development.

The problems with "Fallout 4" reportedly stem from some of the settings being switched back to their default state as well as some folders being relocated.

Thankfully, the same gaming community that have produced a variety of wacky and sometimes strange mods for the game have now discovered a way to get around the current problems.

According to Reddit user "ryker002," players must first open the Run Dialog box and then type RegEdit into it before hitting enter.

Once that step is done, they can head on over to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows to complete this part of the recovery process.

The next step is to go to Windows and to select New - key to create one that will be named as OneDrive. Players who already have an existing OneDrive key no longer need to do this step.

After that, they can click on the OneDrive key, go to New - DWORD (32-bit) Value and proceed to create a new one that will be named DisableFileSync.

Players now have to set the date for the DisableFileSync registry value as one.

The last step is to restart the computer and see if the files have now been properly copied.

According to WCCF Tech, there is another Reddit user who has discovered a fix for the problems currently plaguing the PC port of "Fallout 4."

According to Reddit user "gdalf," going to the System Settings and then to Updates and Security and even eventually selecting Recovery should help fix the problems of "Fallout 4."