'Fallout 4' gameplay takes inspiration from 'Destiny'

"Fallout 4"Bethesda Softworks

Players who may find some of the mechanics in "Fallout 4" to be somewhat familiar can owe that to one of the game's inspirations, at least in the gunplay department.

In a story published in the Game Informer magazine and subsequently reported on by Gamespot, Bethesda Softworks reportedly used the gunplay in "Destiny" as a reference point for what they wanted to feature in "Fallout 4."

Part of the reason for why "Destiny" was seen as a suitable reference point for the gunplay in "Fallout 4" was also due to the fact that both of the games operate at 30 frames per second (fps).

"Fallout 4" has also benefited from the work of former Bungie employee Josh Hamrick. Hamrick's work with Bungie included focusing on the PlayStation Vita controls for "Destiny" that were utilized whenever users opted to try out the remote play feature.

Hamrick is also doing the same for "Fallout 4" as he has been tasked with figuring out its remote play controls, and on top of that, he has also been involved with the development of the firearms that will be featured in the upcoming game.

Bethesda has also reportedly received some valuable help from Id Software as it relates to the creation of the gunplay system that will ultimately end up in "Fallout 4," so players can also look out for influences of that developer's previous titles in the upcoming game.

In related news, the new "Fallout" Pip-Boy app has now been officially launched, Polygon reported.

The new app is meant to be used alongside the game, and it will enable players to keep tabs on their characters even when they are not playing "Fallout 4." The app also has other features such as an inventory, maps, and all sorts of other handy information for players.

The "Fallout" Pip-Boy app is now available on both Google Play and iTunes.