'Fallout 4' gameplay, plot: Game's story will be unknown until official launch

"Fallout 4"Bethesda Softworks

The story of "Fallout 4" will only be known once the game itself has been formally released.

If it seems as though it's taken a while for storyline details for "Fallout 4" to be released, that's apparently not an accident, according to Bethesda Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing Pete Hines.

In an interview with IGN, Hines indicated that he would be quite surprised if there are any new details about the game's story between now and when the game is officially launched.

Hines was not clear about why the "Fallout" publisher has chosen to hold off on revealing storyline details, although it seems like it's being intentionally done so as to build more hype around the game.

As for other seemingly curious decisions regarding "Fallout 4," such as the short turnaround between the official announcement of the game and its actual release, Hines said that there's a good reason for that as well. According to him, "Fallout 4" director Todd Howard simply doesn't want to take his focus away from anything other than just working on making the game itself as good as it can be, and taking time to make demos would work against that, hence the shorter window.

There's another reason why Bethesda held off on announcing "Fallout 4" for as long as they did — they wanted to generate more hype for it from the fans, according to Hines. It's a move that has worked up to this point, according to PC Gamer; and given the considerable amount of anticipation and excitement already building up around "Fallout 4," it's unlikely that they will change course now.

As for other details regarding "Fallout 4," Hines revealed that the team behind the game has worked hard on making sure that the world inside the game is completely interactive.

"Fallout 4" will be officially released on Nov. 10.