'Fallout 4' unlimited caps exploit

Fallout 4 gameplayBethesda Softworks

Although players have just recently gotten back into the Wastelands, they have already explored "Fallout 4" too well that some have already discovered exploits.

According to industry follower EuroGamer, one such exploit that players have taken advantage of involves an almost unlimited supply of caps. Caps serve as the currency in all of the titles under the "Fallout" franchise. As with previous iterations, caps can be used in "Fallout 4" to purchase items and upgrade the Vault while progressing with the story. As with any other titles involving currencies and trade, the more caps a player has, the better his chances of playing through "Fallout 4" until the end.

To keep on hoarding caps, players must trade and buy all the ammo of one type off one vendor. After exhausting all the ammo off the trader, the player must then sell back one of the rounds and then keep on selling back all of the newly bought rounds.

Although all ammo rounds have been sold back to the trader, the glitch involves one round remaining with the player for some reason. The player can then repeat the cycle, and the glitch will happen again. Now, the player is left with two glitched rounds, one round more than the previous trade. Buying and selling back ammo rounds will once again make a glitched round remain with the player. This time though, the second glitched round from the previous transaction has been bought along with the rest, giving the player more caps.

As vendors replenish their caps every 24 hours, players can let a day go and then do the cycle once again. However, there is a constraint with this exploit -- the Vault dweller must check which vendor will offer the exploit because not all vendors have been found to be suffering from the bug.

Tech Times has reported that by the looks of it, it is an inadvertent glitch in the system rather than a well-disguised Easter egg from the launch. Some games offer well-hidden treats and tricks for players to stumble on, like the recent update in "MGSV: The Phantom Pain," which makes players recruit Quiet once again.

Observers are also saying that players should take advantage of this exploit as much as possible, and the sooner the better. Developer Bethesda would most likely hear of this bug, and will immediately take steps to fix it.