'Fallout 4' PS4 mods release date news: Bethesda also waiting for updates; August not expected

A screenshot from "Fallout 4"Bethesda.net

Fans continue the wait for the "Fallout 4" mods for PlayStation 4, but even developer Bethesda Softworks is not certain when the feature will see the light of day.

On Twitter, Bethesda vice president of public relations and marketing Pete Hines revealed that he has "no new info of any kind" to provide when asked by a fan if there is a chance "Fallout 4" PS4 mods will be released by the end of the month.

He also had no news to share whether or not a closed beta will be conducted before the "Fallout 4" PS4 mods will be released, whenever that will take place.

"I don't know. Would depend on what comes out of evaluation process," Hines said, adding that he himself is awaiting updates on the assessment.

"I didn't say there were any problems. Just that the process is still under review," the Bethesda executive went on to say in more tweets.

This was also the case last month, where he stated that "We continue to try and get an update so we can share something. We still haven't gotten one."

Hines also knows that fans are not loving the lack of updates on the "Fallout 4" PS4 mods, but he emphasized that they themselves are in the dark and that they are doing their part to get information from "others," who he did not identify.

"I'm not going to get into specifics. If I was able to have an open dialog and explain what's up, I would have long ago," he went on to say.

The "Fallout 4" PS4 mods were originally going to be released in June. However, there were issues in the beta that pushed the developers to delay them.

The problems involved the failure to integrate sound file support, limited storage cap (only at 900MB) and serious memory and performance concerns.

From the looks of it, the folks in charge are having a hard time containing the issues so it might be a long way ahead before "Fallout 4" PS4 mods come to life.