Fallout 4 PS4 mods release date: Bethesda still can't say when as Nuka World expansion arrives August 30

A screenshot from "Fallout 4"Bethesda Softworks

Fans awaiting news on the release date of Fallout 4 mods program for PS4 would need more patience as Bethesda failed to come out with an official release date citing that it is still under evaluation.

According to a Twitter exchange with Pete Hines, Bethesda's vice president, the company could not release an official date yet until evaluation is completed.

This was actually the second time that Hines responded in a similar manner, tweeting in a previous post that they were working together with Sony on the evaluation of the mod, reported Gamespot.

He however, assured that they will be keeping players updated as soon as news is available.

PS4 is the only remaining platform that has not received a mod after Bethesda released it for PC in April and subsequently released for Xbox One in May.

It was reported that the mod for PS4 encountered some setbacks that led to the delay of its release. Sony and Bethesda did not elaborate on the issues, leaving fans wondering what will become of the update.

Meanwhile, PS4 players will not have to feel left out when Fallout 4 releases its last expansion on August 30, reported Express UK.

Fallout 4 Nuka World has been announced for official release at the end of the month for all platforms which is expected to please gamers.

"Yeah, it was definitely something after the game came out that we saw a lot of people saying they wanted to do more with Raiders, so it was great that we are able to wrap up the Fallout DLC suite with this," Bethesda Community Lead Matt Grandstaff said.

The expansion took into consideration the fans' suggestions after Fallout 3 and brought back some of the good and evil elements that were at the core of the third installment.

"Where as the theme in Fallout 4 was hope and rebuilding, maybe we could turn that on its head a little, and bring back some of that evil gameplay," Nuka World Lead Artist, Mark Teare explained.