'Fallout 4' PS4 mods release date: Mod support arrives after months of waiting

An in-game screenshot of "Fallout 4."Bethesda

Finally, after months of waiting, PlayStation 4 users can now enjoy mods for "Fallout 4."

The good news came via update 1.8 from Bethesda which went live late last week bringing almost 200 game tweaks that can now be accessed through the console. Despite this, the rollout was not exactly snag-free. For example, Neeher's Firelance weapon mod still looks very ordinary compared to its Microsoft Windows version because custom textures cannot be applied just yet. Meanwhile, other reports are citing that there is no sound and it's even worse for some, with it not working at all.

In hindsight, these types of problems should have been expected given that not all features will be available on the PS4 version. More so, any mod that is linked to external assets is most probably not going to work like natezilla11's gold-trimmed Power Armor mod which has proven to be problematic for a lot of players.

Some gamers continue to ponder on the longstanding argument of PS4 owners that Bethesda-developed titles seem to lag when it comes to game support compared to other consoles. The mods for Xbox One and PC have been available for a while now and despite having their own respective issues, users of these consoles did not have to restlessly wait for the feature. The iteration for the Sony console was originally supposed to see the light of day last June but was delayed and since then, dragged on for months with it even tipped to be canceled altogether.

Nevertheless, the release of the PS4 mods is still a welcome addition for players with several other parts working pretty well. Usually, any mod that is tied to pre-existing models and textures should work flawlessly. Masternips' Dismemberment Overhaul which allows players to lose limbs seems to be doing just fine for now albeit a minor issue with the headshot that just needed a new version. Also, D0c_shock's Pleasing Piper Attitude Adjuster does not have that much complaints from players.