'Fallout 4' DLC release rumors: What kind of DLC will be coming to the game?

Twitter courtesy of "Fallout"

"Fallout 4" downloadable content (DLC) will be released in 2016, but the specifics of what it will actually be are still largely subject to speculation.

Fans who have been following news about the game up until now have more than likely read about the possibility that "Fallout 4" will feature underwater DLC.

Numerous "Fallout 4" players have already ventured deep into the depths of the Commonwealth's waters in search of something new, and a few of them have stumbled upon seemingly substantial finds.

One player in particular, who goes by the Reddit username "Lavonicus," was able to uncover a lot of what the waters had to hide, even sharing the findings with fellow "Fallout 4" players, The Inquisitr reported.

Rumors of underwater vaults have been mentioned as well, but until Bethesda actually confirms what DLC is coming to the game, the addition of underwater content will remain likely, though not certain.

According to What Culture, Bethesda may also decide to expand the "Fallout 4" world by branching further into other regions of New England such as Maine.

A new location being added to "Fallout 4" would certainly be within the realm of possibility, and it could provide a nice change of pace for those who may have grown weary of exploring underneath the waves.

A new region added to the game's map may even provide ample opportunity for Bethesda to add new quests as well as additional companions that could make "Fallout 4" even more fun to play.

Unfortunately, Bethesda has yet to announce the exact release date of the "Fallout 4" DLC.

All that's been confirmed thus far is that the new content will be coming in 2016, although without an exact arrival date, "Fallout 4" players will have to remain vigilant if they want to avoid missing out.

Whether it's more underwater vaults, new quests or even unexplored dungeons, the upcoming pieces of "Fallout 4" DLC will certainly draw a lot of attention when they finally do arrive.