'Fallout 4' tips for armor

"Fallout 4"Bethesda Softworks

"Fallout 4" is full of powerful enemies ranging from missile launcher-toting raiders all the way up to terrifying Deathclaws. All of those enemies can kill the sole survivor in an instant, that is unless they have the necessary equipment to keep them protected.

Armor in "Fallout 4" is mostly made out of the Wasteland's scraps that have been crafted and modded so that they can be functional pieces of defensive equipment.

According to Forbes, armor basically breaks down into a few pieces. There's a helmet, armor for both sets of left and right limbs and a chestpiece. In most cases, players can also utilize a thin piece of clothing to wear as a kind of undergarment to add another layer of protection. Some pieces of armor are more complete and are usually fully formed suits or outfits.

When it comes to helmets, pieces of armor for the limbs, and the chestpieces, players will be able to find good examples of these strewn across the "Fallout 4" Wasteland, sometimes as enemy drops or even as things they can purchase in stores. Players can also mod these using the Armorer and Science perks to make them even stronger and even grant them special abilities such as additional stamina or even fire resistance.

What most players may not know, however, is that the examples of equipment that qualify as undershirts can also present opportunities for even greater protection enhancement.

According to Kotaku, a special item known as ballistic weave can help make certain items stronger. 

In order to obtain the ballistic weave, players must first join the Railroad faction, and from there, they need to complete a few mission for a non-player character (NPC) named Pam. After completing a few of these missions, they should receive orders from Pam to retrieve a DIA cache — this is the item that unlocks the ballistic weave.

Once the players unlock the strongest kind of ballistic weave and also have maxed out Armorer and Science perks, they can now mod certain items such as undershirts and grant them even greater protection capabilities. Ballistic weave can even be used on hats, effectively transforming them into some of the best helmets in "Fallout 4."