'Fallout 4' to introduce multiple play styles

Fallout 4Bethesda Softworks

In most role-playing games, players are given choices in order to continue with the game. Whether it be as simple as which switch to activate, or to take down a boss monster as fast as possible, RPG genres can only be completed with players selecting one of the choices being given. For "Fallout 4," players will have options in terms of play style.

Although there would be some sort of fight-to-continue missions and the overall gameplay would mostly stay the same as with previous installments, some features would be changed for the upcoming title. For instance, although some level of violence is needed to progress, the gameplay in the post-apocalyptic world of "Fallout 4" will also give players a choice if they want to complete missions with as little bloodshed as possible, entering into fight-or-flight choices. 

In an interview with The Guardian, game director Todd Howard said that one of the key changes in the upcoming title is to give players a wider variety of play styles, and to give players satisfaction on how they play the game, especially to pacifists and non-confrontational types. 

Howard stated, "You can avoid [killing] a lot. I can't tell you that you can play the whole game without violence – that's not necessarily a goal of ours – but we want to support different play styles as much as we can." 

Howard did not give out details on how a stealth or non-confrontational approach could be done in "Fallout 4," but with recent changes in the RPG genre, particularly with publisher and developer Bethesda's take on its RPG titles like "The Elder Scrolls," fans note that players in the "Fallout" world would most likely be presented with a multitude of story scenarios, each being a result of a previous choice.

"Fallout 4" is scheduled to roll out on Nov. 11 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.