'Fallout 4' VR release date news, latest updates: Bethesda confirms plans for VR game set in 'Fallout' universe

"Fallout 4" promo imageSteam/Fallout

With the advent of new gaming technologies, it can be argued that the gaming industry is now slowly moving towards virtual reality (VR). This view is apparently also shared by the game's developer, Bethesda, which recently mentioned their intention of bringing their most popular titles into the virtual world in the coming years. The company confirmed that they are indeed planning to bring their popular open world role playing video game, "Fallout 4," into VR.

The company recently made these claims during an interview with Glixel, where they outright answered the question of whether or not they were going to be putting out a VR game set in "Fallout 4," with a "We definitely are." Bethesda further explained that VR is the in fact giving out the same relative promise to players as with their own games, which is a promise of a truly immersive virtual world.

"The core experience, meaning you put on the headset and you're standing in the world of 'Fallout' and can go where you want, just that little bit is every bit as cool as you hope it would be," Bethesda's Todd Howard explained.

It also has to be pointed out that if Bethesda would indeed be coming out with new VR games set in their open world titles, the size of the VR marketplace as a whole will be directly affected. Howard explained that they aren't actually looking at sales as it isn't really their primary concern. He further stated that the sales of their games will sort itself out and that they are just focusing on making something really unique that people will actually want.

With the success of the company's other titles, including the critically acclaimed "The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim," the company expressed its confidence in the demand for immersive games.

"They make it their own experience, and that was what was most important to us. Putting somebody in a world where they can do what they want. I think that's what's special about video games as entertainment." Howard explained.