'Fallout 5' release date, news: Is sequel one of the major projects Bethesda is working on?

The cover art of "Fallout 4."Facebook/Fallout

"Fallout" is probably one game franchise that is going to endure for a long time, so gamers can expect Bethesda to churn out a sequel every now and then. The question is: Is the studio already thinking of developing "Fallout 5" so soon after "Fallout 4" was released? The fourth game in the franchise came out just a year ago, so what's the rush?

Sources say Bethesda is currently working on "Fallout 5" right now, that is why "The Elder Scrolls VI" is delayed. Reports also say "Fallout 5" is probably one of the two major projects that director Todd Howard was talking about earlier this year. This is possible; however, it is worth noting that this rumor hasn't been verified yet, so readers are advised to take everything with a grain of salt.

Rumors saying "Fallout 5" is in the works aren't exactly new, and fans can thank "Fallout 4" voice actor Ryan Alosio for opening a can of worms. Earlier this year, he said "Fallout 5" was in the pre-production stage, however, he retracted his comment days after it was made.

"My intention was to interact on Instagram not only as myself, Ryan Alosio, the actor, but as my main character from Fallout 4, Deacon, who happens to be a notorious liar, prankster and dissembler in the world of Fallout," he told Fraghero.

He said his fans now understood that he would sometimes interact as Deacon, so that should help clear up any future misunderstandings.

In other news, it looks like Bethesda is planning to recreate "Fallout 4" in virtual reality (VR). In an interview with Glixel, Howard said that is definitely something they are going to do.

"We have an opportunity to make something really unique. We'd rather do that than make some other tiny experience. I don't think that's what people want from us," he added.