Family move into caravan in their front garden to enjoy full Christian festival experience

One family in Aylesbury decided to go the extra step to enjoy Spring Harvest's online conference by moving into a caravan parked in their front garden for the week. 

Spring Harvest's conferences at Butlins in Minehead and Skegness are normally attended by thousands over Easter each year.

But when the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the UK, organisers were forced to cancel the conference.  To make up for it, organisers have instead hosted a free conference on YouTube

Determined to enjoy the full festival experience, James Dell, his wife and daughter have been tuning in from their caravan for the last week. 

James said it was actually the first time they had been able to join in Spring Harvest all together as their different work commitments mean they normally miss out entirely or have to attend separately. 

"For the first time in years we can all attend together," he said.

James Dell soaking up the sun outside his caravan

"To make it feel more like being away we thought it would be fun if we stayed in our caravan on the lawn outside our house and use rooms in the house for the study groups but I'm not quite sure how we will imitate the big top.

"Maybe we'll pitch a wigwam in the garden."

Spring Harvest Home ends on Friday.  It has been taking place around the theme of "Unleashed - The Acts Church Today". 

Charlie Price, Head of Marketing and Communications for the Essential Christian Group, which runs Spring Harvest, said, "There has never been a more important time for people to still gather as a community to worship, learn, laugh and pray together and we were so excited to see James' suggestion of continuing to make Spring Harvest a fun festival event for their family by caravanning on their driveway, we love this idea!"

He continues, "We, along with so many, were disappointed that we could not continue with Spring Harvest as we normally would, but people have been so positive and encouraging about us putting it online this year.

"Seeing posts like James' has inspired us to ask everyone what they will be doing to watch throughout the week and how they will be watching and other people have told us that they will be camping inside to make it feel like more of an event!" 

Spring Harvest is appealing for donations to help cover the costs of cancelling the main event at short notice. To donate, visit